Deadlines and Submissions

Submission of Paper and Poster
The happy news at first – deadline for submission has been extended! However, the sooner you submit, the smoother the process is for the organizers of Euroweek and the assessment of the paper:
- Paper to be submitted as WORD and as PDF-file by Friday April 14th at 17.00 CEST
- Poster to be submitted as PDF by Sunday April 16th at 17.00 CEST
It is important to follow the guidelines and templates for the paper (Templates) as well as for the poster (Poster Template 2023) which you can find on the page for guidelines and templates.
Please name your files with the project code + paper/poster (e.g. EW23NO01_poster).
For submission folders have been created on Google Drive for each project to upload your Project Paper and your Project Poster. The folders are named after your project code and by now, each team should have received an invite to its own project folder.
Submission of your final Presentation
Deadline for submitting the final
presentation as Power Point (PPT is the only program accepted for the presentation) and PDF will be during Euroweek on Wednesday
evening 26 April (the specific time will be announced).
Each team will receive individual links to upload both files.